Products & Services
EDI Journey Curriculum

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion​
Diversity and Inclusion Model ​
3 C's of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Leading and Managing Diversity & Inclusion
5 part curriculum series
EDI Coaching
Practical application through discussion and exercises about the personal and interpersonal aspects of equity, diversity & inclusion and cultural competency.
Assist leaders and organizations in developing the organizational capacity to effectively engage equity, diversity and inclusion as a part of overall organizational plan through practical application and guided facilitated learning.
Systems approach to equity, diversity and inclusion
Organizational Diversity & Inclusion Assessment (ODIA)
Organizational Leadership and Team Development

Community Engagement
Leadership Curriculum: Leading With and Through: Leaders Leading Managers
9-part series (90 minutes each) for a leadership leadership development facilitated learning journey.
Series provide a practical frame of reference for leaders to enhance their leadership skills.
The key elements of this series include communication, accountability, feedback, conflict resolution, and leading others.
Series promotes a 'with and through' approach to leadership
Management/Supervisor Curriculum: Maximizing Your Potential: Leading From the Middle Zone
9-part series (90 minutes each) for a management development facilitated learning journey.
Strengthening the relationship between managers at all levels as they lead from the middle zone
Help managers transform from just managing to leading.
Guiding organizations/communities' leaders through the process of engagement to manage sustainable change in communities.
Leading community leader/partners through community transitions.
Development of spiritual capital and the relationship to community engagement.
Framework for community engagement.
Multifaceted Model of Engagement.